Wild Souls Community
Welcome, Wild Soul
Meet your new favorite haven.
We Wild Souls are big on flying solo. We’ve done it much of our lives – and with very good reason. Many others just don’t get us, downright annoy us, or even bring us down. But that doesn’t mean ALL others do.
When we connect with just the right people – our kindred souls – our power is exponentially multiplied. Our vision expands. Our healing intensifies. Our lights shine more brightly than ever before. And this is our place to do it.
This is the Sanctuary of the Wild Souls Community.
Our Wild Souls Community is where we gather to connect our energies, celebrate our uniqueness, share our love and light, and continue our ascension together.
Because two wolves are better than one, right? And a whole pack of wolves, well, watch out, world!
While the outer world has tried its darndest to keep us locked up in its cage of conformity, groupthink and mediocrity, this is our place to live free. To learn and share the sacred pathways to spiritual freedom that will keep us out of those cages forever.
We are here to support you. We are here to love you. We are here to honor and cherish your Wild Soul in a way that's never been done before.
In this sacred community of Wild Souls, you can heal, rejoice, explore, discover, and jumpstart and/or continue your journey to high places. You can also connect with other Wild Souls who know exactly where you’re coming from.
This is our place to refuel so we can continue to soar.

This is a sacred place for the Wild Souls who:
Love to laugh, dance and howl with delight
- Enjoy bucking the third-dimensional "system" and status quo
- Realize the most brilliant treasure is not the big house or fast car but the glorious connection to, immersion in and expression of Spirit that is already inside us (although we have to admit, fast cars can be fun)
- Are eager to unleash that Spirit to its full potential, a move that manifests exactly what we need, when we need it – if we let it! – every time

In this Wild Souls community, each month you will have access to:
- A group of kindred souls who are each on their own unique path of ascension, knowing we grow stronger and shine brighter by honoring, supporting and celebrating each other. – PRICELESS
- One 60-minute live call with Rynski, which will include learning, Rynski entertainment, a discussion and a Wild Soul healing session. – $200 value/month
- A library of downloadable PDF guides, pre-recorded workshops and healing sessions with topics that range from space clearing to moon magic, the power of the subconscious to healing from trauma, dissipating overwhelm to dissolving that big ole wall around our hearts. Workshops contain practical tips and habits you can instill into your daily life to keep your Wild Soul fueled with Love and Light – more than $3,336 value
You will also get:
FREE access to all of Rynski’s paid public workshops and healing sessions – $39 value each, several per year
10% discount on Rynski’s paid offerings, including book editing, creative consulting, and business-building services (after three months of membership)
Access to personalized, signed copies of Rynski’s books
Membership discount of $1100 on the full tuition of the Wild Souls Ascension Program – COMING SOON – Discount applies after six months of membership and is the biggest tuition discount offered

You can experience all of this for only $88/month*:
- Intense healing and cleansing, led by Spirit, so you can manifest the ongoing inner and outer wealth and abundance you deserve (Hint: The outer is manifested by the inner, so cleansing and healing is a must)
- The honoring and unleashing of your long-contained Wild Soul, which serves to naturally dissipate the underlying sadness, anger, frustration and other low-vibe emotions that may have been haunting you for years
- Activation and strengthening of your God-given gifts, allowing you to more readily create and lifestyle that uses and
- Illumination of your true purpose
- A variety of healing modalities and spiritual tools so you may discover which best aligns with your own unique soul
- The joy of Reiki with Rynski
- Guidance and suggestions you can weave into your daily life to make each day a magical, mystical experience
- Insights into the world of Spirit Animals and our connection to the natural world
- Insights into getting through any type of hell the outer world throws your way, based on a way of living Ryn cultivated over her 24+ years in recovery from alcohol
- Ability to grab an on-demand workshop and healing session from the library to deal with an issue of the moment, any moment
- Fortification and revelation of the Spirit that is already inside you, the one that is you and meant to soar. The one that shall now be set free.
Give the gift of a Spiritual Joyride
Gift your pals with a powerful experience within the sacred Wild Souls community. Select between a one-month or three-month pass to join us on our perpetual ascension and rewilding of our souls. Enter our energetic realm to unleash the wild soul that is purely and uniquely you.

We're holding a place for you
Current and upcoming Wild Soul community offerings. The two offerings per month will vary, and more will be added as we continue to evolve.

Spirit Animals
Workshop + Activation Session

Magic of the Moon
Workshop + Activation Session

Healing from Trauma
Workshop + Healing Session

Recovery from Burnout
Workshop + Healing Session

Dissipating Overwhelm
Workshop + Healing Session

Meditation Secrets
Workshop + Healing Session

Dissolving the Wall Around Our Hearts
Workshop + Healing Session

The Power of the Subconscious
Workshop + Activation Session

The Art of Surrender
Workshop + Healing Session

Love: The Universal Everything
Workshop + Healing Session

Working with Crystal Grids
Workshop + Activation Session

Space Clearing Ritual
Workshop + Cleansing Session

What We Learn from Hurricanes
Workshop + Healing Session

Releasing Negativity
Workshop + Cleansing Session

The Power of Movement
Workshop + Activation Session

Gutting Out the Guilt
Workshop + Cleansing Session

Exploring Higher Dimensions
Workshop + Activation Session

Working with Chakras
Workshop + Healing

Cord-Cutting with St. Michael
Workshop + Cord-Cutting Session

High-Vibe Living
Workshop + Cleansing Session
Reiki Meditation Library
Embark on a healing journey that helps you enter a high-vibrational state of love and light. Recorded by Reiki Master Ryn Gargulinski, these guided meditations are infused with Reiki and geared up to help you purge, heal and soar. Comes with healing map.
Join for Ongoing Access
Meet Your Fellow Wild Soul Guide
Ryn Gargulinski [Rynski] has been helping others heal and grow for the past two decades, ever since she entered recovery from alcohol in 1999. As an author, artist, Reiki master, motivational speaker and avid animal lover, she facilitates healing through her speaking engagements, healing sessions, artwork, animal medicine and her more than 10 inspirational books. She knows all too well what it's like to be trapped in hell on earth, which is why she is so passionate about helping other Wild Souls transcend the third-dimensional illusion to set themselves free.

What People Say About Their Experiences with Rynski

“I’ve had Reiki many times before, but none have been as much powerful or fun as Reiki with Rynski.”

“The night after our cord-cutting Reiki with St. Michael, I had a dream about a giant strong man who was leading and watching over me. When I described him to a spiritually minded friend without telling her about our session, she immediately said ‘that was Archangel Michael.’”

“Near the end of the session, right after you said I was empowered by the loving light of the universe, I heard a voice whisper in my ear: ‘Remember who you are!’ The voice was warm and comforting. A Reiki angel!”

“Ryn is a spiritual powerhouse. High Priestess of the Spiritual Joyride is the perfect description for her engaging and spunky style."

"Ryn has a very distinctive style which I just love. Her book of Affirmations is perfect for starting your day, or just picking up and opening anywhere for a dose of "Affirmation" to brighten your day. I recommend this book and any of Ryn's other books. She has such a great outlook on life and her illustrations and writings have always made me smile. Happy reading 📚.