Books | Graphic Tees| Art | Sundry Curiosities

How to Get Through Hell on Earth
Without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome
Rynski went from a scruffy drunken rebel without a house on the streets of New York City to an award-winning writer, artist and speaker thriving in Florida (who is only scruffy every other Thursday).
This book tells you how it happened, along with some handy tips along the way.
This journey of recovery and self-discovery comes with real-life lessons and strategies for making magic in your own life.
Written in Ryn’s brutally honest, no-nonsense style, get ready to laugh, learn and perhaps pick up a lesson or two about transforming even the greatest hell into something that helps you grow and soar.
Wonderful, honest, heartbreaking, intelligent and hilarious!
I could not put it down! It made me cry, laugh out loud and truly think about how to be a better person and get the most out of life. It is written like the author is here with me telling me her story through a conversation. It is brutally honest, intelligent, heartbreaking and hilarious as she tells of her darkest, hardest moments and how she got through to a bright and beautiful life. I am grateful to the author for sharing her story and her tools for continuous improvement to help others make beautiful life of their own. This book will stick with me and I will go back to it a lot for years to come to revisit the words of wisdom.

The Big Book of Illustrated Affirmations
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
Who DOESN'T want more joy, love, money, abundance and creativity in their life? Positive affirmations are a prime tool for manifesting greatness. Rynski's Big Book features 101 affirmations for confidence, success, gratitude, harmony and more - all illustrated in Ryn Gargulinski's quirky and creative style.
"Affirmations" brighten your day
Ryn has a very distinctive style which I just love. This book of Affirmations is perfect for starting your day, or just picking up and opening anywhere for a dose of "Affirmation" to brighten your day. I recommend this book and any of Ryn's other books. She has such a great outlook on life and her illustrations and writings have always made me smile. Happy reading 📚.

Little Book of Big Jerks
Fast, Fun Illustrated Guide for Dealing with Difficult People
Whether you run into them in the supermarket, sit next to them at work, or even end up dating (or marrying!) one, difficult people are everywhere. But you no longer have to run, hide or cross to other side of the street to avoid them if you have this handy guide by your side.
This dandy illustrated guide outlines 12 types of difficult people, along with 12 highly effective tools for dealing with them all. Don’t delay. Use the tools today – for a happier, healthier, and jerk-free tomorrow.
My new guide to life
This book is fabulous and I think I've found my new guide to life in 55 pages. It's all SO completely true but hilarious. The drawings are fitting and adorable, so full of character. We all know at least one version of every type of the difficult person portrayed, or perhaps even seen ourselves in them (while my name is Ann, I have to admit Woeful Williams rings too true... need to work on that).

Angel Jamboree: Angels Across America
The next time you’re feeling lonely, sad or just plain squirrely, why not call on an angel? Angels are all around us, ready to help with anything and everything. This book is the first in Rynski’s Angel Jamboree series that proves it.
Inside this full-color illustrated collection, you’ll meet an angel from every state – along with rhyming verse that outlines their main duties, personalities, and even what they do for fun.

Bony Yoga
Whether you’ve done yoga at home or in a class, you’ve probably encountered it as some as pretty serious business. Not anymore. Award-winning author and artist Ryn Gargulinski throws some humor into the mix with her delightful Bony Yoga, a real-life yoga guide with skeletons depicting the poses.
This sweet little book features Ryn’s signature skeletal creations in all sorts of traditional yoga poses – with all sorts of untraditional commentary running beneath them. You’ll get a bare-bones look at more than 50 asanas common to a variety of different yoga styles.
Delightful Book

The 12 Steps for Everyone
Adaptation of the steps for folks not in recovery
Remember that manual for living you always wanted? Here it is.
It's the 12 Steps in a variation anyone, anywhere can use. They're based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, but written for folks not in recovery.
That means you get all the joy, freedom and relief the steps can bring without the years of hangovers that usually comes with the territory. Pretty cool deal indeed!
Excellent roadmap for improving your life
A friend recently loaned me a copy of this book and my immediate reaction was to order 2 more copies. I want one to keep for myself and another for another friend. This book is a must for anyone looking for straightforward solutions to life's problems. This book is written by an author with an amazing sense of humor and tons of knowledge. She transforms what could have been a tedious and dry subject of working through the steps into a truly enjoyable experience.
It's both a roadmap and workbook with exercises that can lead anyone to a peaceful, less stressful and more fulfilling life. Three of my favorite parts are that obsessing over things we can't control causes chaos in life, holding on to resentments will destroy your life, and working on your defects will enormously improve your quality of life.
Three cheers - and five stars - to this book, which I would highly recommend for anyone interested in a happier and more meaningful way of living.

Fun with Crystals
Workbook & Guide for a Delightful Crystal Connection
Crystals may take millions of years to form, but that doesn’t mean it has to take you a million years to learn about them. Instead enjoy a fast, fun and easy way to get to know 52 crystals, the same way you’d get to know a new friend – with original artwork and savvy memorization tricks included.
Discover their healing properties, original nicknames and merry mantras you can use to activate their powers.
Learning with laughter is my favorite way to learn.
I really liked this workbook! The pictures of the crystals were beautiful. I appreciated the humor of anthropomorphic crystals!