We are the lions. The eagles. The wolves. We are the Wild Souls who refuse to be contained.
Creators, not destroyers.
Beacons of Joy and Inspiration
Master Beings of Love and Light

We Are in the Midst of a Transformation
We always are. There's no such thing as standing still. Our energy is constantly moving. It's up to us to decide whether that movement is upward toward the Light or downward into the dark.
- We can be in the midst of a perpetual trauma.
- Or we can be in the midst of a perpetual spiritual ascension.
If you ask us, we'd rather go for the ascension. If you're reading this with interest, chances are you would, too.
Creating a community of Wild Souls to share spiritual support, truths and practices that serve to elevate us and those around us for the
highest good of all.

How Do I Know If I'm a Wild Soul?
For some of us, it's obvious. We've long been rebelling in outward ways. We've been dubbed eccentrics. Free spirits. The weird chick with the cool dog.
For others, the rebellion may happen inwardly. You may outwardly agree to whatever – only to be kicking, screaming or giving whatever the finger deep inside.
In any case, we Wild Souls have a rebel in there. A rebel who:
- Knows there is more to life than eat, sleep, work and buy something.
- Never felt they truly fit in to all the hooey the outward world tries to force us into.
- Is good at bending (or breaking!) the rules and coming up with better ways of doing things
- Tried to find ways around the outer world's constructs, with feeble solutions ranging from over-achievement and perfectionism to alcohol, drugs and buying way too many shoes.
- Tends to like dogs (and other animals) more than other people.
- Delights in wildlife, nature and the creative arts.
- May have been deemed "too sensitive," "too loving," "too impulsive" or some other superlative by those uncomfortable with the Wild Soul's natural ability to disrupt the status quo.
- May have thought there was something wrong with THEM because they didn't jive with the third-dimensional world.
- Is ready to ascend to higher levels of consciousness where Spirit guides, laughter glides and love reigns supreme.
Meet Wild Soul Founder
Ryn Gargulinski
High Priestess of the Spiritual Joyride

But you can call me Rynski
I’ve been sharing joy, light and really loud laughter with my writing, art, Reiki, coaching and speaking since entering recovery in 1999. But I was told I had to “pick just one” area of concentration. So I’d pick one. Then a different one. Then a different one. And so on. The result was a willy-nilly leaking of energy in all directions.
Once I stopped trying to control everything myself and let Spirit have the reins, I was guided to bring all my God-given gifts together with the main aim of connecting, sharing and ascending with other Wild Souls. The Sanctuary of the Wild Souls was born.

How to Get Through Hell on Earth without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome
My soul wasn't always as joyful as it is today. In fact, people actually called me morose. And that was one of the nicer terms. I was in perpetual misery, with a wild soul trapped in the outer world's cage.
No wonder I tried to escape by drinking myself to death. Yet when I was truly staring death in the face at age 29, I recall a surge of horror. Another surge of will-to-live. And a massive surge of surrender. I fell to my knees and screamed:
"God, Please Make This Stop!"
And He did. Not right away, mind you. I was way too stubborn for that. I got up and drank the next day.
But I was eventually able to stop. The cravings left. Hope came back. I began to taste the joy of life. My creativity absolutely exploded. Whoa.
Once I experienced what the power of Spirit could do when I got out of my own way, I wanted more and more and more of it. That was the start of my spiritual joyride.
That's not to say I haven't had bumps, bangs and bruises along the way. But I'm able to get through them all with Spirit on my side. Get the book to find out how you can get through anything, too.

New World Opened
"The spiritual practices Ryn shared with me changed my life. I continue to use them daily, years later. They opened a whole new world to me."
-CK | Speech Therapist

Vibrancy All Around
"Ryn's energy is so vibrant! You just want to be in her space."
-CH | Beauty Consultant

Better People
"Ryn makes people better and I like better people."
-TG | Artist
Credentials, Awards + Fun Facts
- Certified Reiki Master/Teacher, Level III Certification in Reiki Method of Natural Healing
- Certified Recovery Coach, International Association of Professional Recovery Coaches (IAPRC)
- Certified Professional Coach (IAPRC)
- Certified SHE RECOVERS Coach
- Ordained Minister, Universal Life Church - legally able to perform marriages in Florida and beyond
- Master of Arts (MA): English literature with a thesis on the Folklore of NYC Subway Workers | Brooklyn College
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA): Creative writing; French minor | Brooklyn College
- 10+ books (HINT: HELL book is the best so far) | Amazon Author Page
- 7 States: Originally from Michigan, Rynski has lived in NYC, NM, CA, OR, AZ and FL
- 18+ Awards for writing, art and presentations, including: best feature column; best humor column; best in bowling journalism (no kidding!); poetry; funniest person in Brooklyn
- 527 Times (approx.) Ryn should have been dead from stupid drunken antics
- 7,220 Google results for "Ryn Gargulinski" – and none are police records!

We are children of Love. We are children of Light.
You can't dim us down. Our souls are too bright.
Our spirits are joyful. Our spirits are wild.
We ascend to high places with God on our side.