How to Get Through Hell on Earth without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome

How to Get Through Hell on Earth without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome

Hosted by: Ryn Gargulinski

"Wonderful, honest, heartbreaking, intelligent and hilarious! Rynski's life story made me cry, laugh out loud and truly think about how to be a better person and get the most out of life." Each podcast episode is...

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Part 2 | Chapter 24: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

After nearly 18 years in the Big Apple, leaving it was a tough call. Find out if I got out or stuck around for another 18 years....
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Part 2 | Chapter 23: Escape from NY

When you start bawling like a baby when you see the tall buildings and concrete as your plane is landing in La Guardia after a vacation, you know it's time to leave NYC.
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Part 2 | Chapter 22: Sept. 11

Living in NYC on Sept. 11, 2001, was a harrowing experience. Especially when you got to watch one of the towers get hit while you're hanging out on the 69th Street Pier.
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Part 2 | Chapter 21: The God Thing

Not a fan of the punishing God that sends you to hell for sneezing wrong? Here's how to get a kind, loving God with a sense of humor (who likes tattoos).
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Part 2 | Chapter 20: Why Bother?

And if dating a psychopath that turns into a stalker doesn't kill you, why not try out this thing called clinical depression? Here's what it can feel like from the inside out.
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Part 2 | Chapter 19: The Psychopath

Note to self: Don't ignore those red flags meant to protect you from dating a psychopath. Yikes. Note to listener: Don't date guys who keep crossbows under their bed. 
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Part 2 | Chapter 18: Going Solo

Wheeeee! After years of living with this, that or the other person, I was finally breaking free to live on my own. As long as I didn't get killed riding my bicycle like a maniac along the way. Listen in to find out...
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Part 2: Sea Legs | Chapter 17: Claw Marks

Entering recovery means letting go of the old. But the old can sometimes end up with claw marks when we hang on too tightly, too long. Find out what happens when change is in the air with this first chapter in Part 2...
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Part 1 | Chapter 16: Delirium Tremens

Alcoholism is the gift that keeps on giving, even after you quit drinking. A bout of the delirium tremens (DTs) proves that. This chapter gives you a good look at what the DTs are all about. It also closes out Part 1...
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Part 1 | Chapter 15: Last Call

Asking for help is a fine art that I was pretty rusty at. Mainly because I had never really done it. But dang, did I need it now. Will I finally reach out for help getting out of my living hell? (Hint: The story would...
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Part 1 | Chapter 14: Fermentation

Something smelled foul. And it was us. Check out what more than a decade of daily drinking will do for you (and your Bensonhurst attic apartment!). 
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Part 1 | Chapter 13: Bottom's Up

Ever wonder what slowly descending to an alcoholic bottom is like? Here's the bottom's up. Don't try this at home (or basically anywhere).
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